Monday, January 18, 2016

Journal #18: Greetings from The Solana Galaxy!

 PLATINUM #18: Ratchet and Clank (PS3)

I do not know what happened to my last two journal entries... I must have burned them in a drunk rage - had I known that my host from that wild 2016 party had spiked the punch, I would have refused to take a cup. :(

Anyways,I got a message from Ratchet saying that he saved the galaxy. Good for him! I was too smashed to care. He also gave me a copy of his Zoomerator trophy so it is now on the mantle with everything else. Sometimes, it doesn't pay to get out of bed.

PLATINUM TIME: January 16, 2016; 6:37 PM
AFTER THOUGHTS: So yeah, this platinum and this update were a long time in coming but I finally called in a sickie(like I work, hah!) and buckled down to finish the last trophies, most of them being the damn hoverboard trophies. If the reboot is using hoverboard races again, I'll kill myself. (No, j/k. Please don't put me in a group home!)

Still, you can't blame Insomniac for this - this was the first game, and now they've moved on to a stupid FPS(Resistance) but hey, this is a great classic. My advice, play it on PS2 and don't bother getting the skill points, all they unlock are fake mag covers.

Sorry for the short update, I wanted to show you my 18th platinum.

1 comment:

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