Saturday, February 27, 2016

More Jak? Nonsense!

(I'll start putting narrative in a 'film noir' color from now on for my avatar.)

Once more into the breach...
 Yep, I took the plunge and got the Jak Collection for my PS Vita... and it stinks. The Precursor Valley is a nightmare because the Zoomer controls like a janky mecha and it's hard to control. Still, I'm doing good and got 27% of the original J&D trophies so far. I plan on trying to platinum Jak 2 and 3 on the Vita first to practice for when I have to do it on PS3. (I'm still upset at the races.)

I loved Ratchet and Clank. Will I go for R&C Collection on Vita? NO. First off, I'd have to download it from PSN because Gamestop doesn't own a copy, and two, I was warned that the controls are even more janky on the Vita version of the games, so the hoverboard trophies would be impossible. :(

I'd like to thank Dragon-Archon, one of the mods of is my #1 source for trophy information) for warning me about this danger and saving me years of frustration and a possible backlog that will rot forever. A shame, the Vita has such potential. If you follow the link to Dragon-Archon's trophy checklist, give a tweet to him and tell him DetectiveCJ sent ya. ;)

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