Friday, February 5, 2016

Journal Entry #19: Case Files for a Raccoon

As I promised, no more interludes - this time I can finally get back on the Road to 100 Platinums.

#19 - Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus (PS3)

While cleaning up my office, I found the case file for Sly Cooper and decided to peruse it out of curiousity. I got that file a long time ago but had been busy elsewhere.

I looked over the files for this strange mammal-man criminal, Sly Cooper, and examined his background, but I found nothing to implicate him in anything bad; yes, he stole things, but the victims were far worse criminals.

I then got a mysterious mail package but I recognized the symbol on the return address, it was from Sly himself. It was a book which included his past adventures, so I started by reading about his conquest over the Fiendish Five and recovering his family legacy. It was good reading. I took a snapshot and hung it in the Hall of Platinums next to the platinum trophy statue I got earlier.

Platinum Time: February 5th, 2016; 10:11 PM
AFTER THOUGHTS: Yep, I got GameFly to come through and they delivered The Sly Cooper collection for PS3, which has all three games and Sly Minigames, which is probably going to be my first non-platinum trophy list, I didn't realize that Sly Minigames was on the disc! @_2

So I finally got Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus for both platforms. I would like Jak and Daxter to be #20, but I have a policy of no more than a month with rented games - I know GF has no late fee but I want to respect them for helping me get the game after the first delivery failed, so I have to plat through the other games as well ASAP. We'll see.

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