Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Journal Entry #9: Harry's Wonderful World

PRELUDE: As the old year passes, here is a new change to my blog: I plan on putting a header telling what type of game was platinumed, since I don't know if anyone can get the game's title just by the narrative. Some of the narratives are vague and I don't want to confuse anyone. That said, I know you readers aren't stupid: You can probably guess the title of the game by the characters in it most of the time but this is just a little heads-up for 2016. Anyways, enjoy the next post!

GAME #9: LEGO Harry Potter Years 5-7 (PS3 version)

Reading the Daily Quibbler :)

After recovering from my last assignment(and disappointing lack of Christmas money), I got an invite for a later Christmas get-together from a familiar owl, Hedwig.

 Dear CJ,

I heard you were busy over Christmas. Me and the Weasleys would like to invite you to a holiday bash this month at 12 Grimmauld Place. When you get to the spot, give the secret knock I taught you, and I will let you in. Merry Christmas!

Your pal, Harry 

I decided it wouldn't hurt; at least I would be celebrating Christmas!

(Please forgive me, I cut and pasted from Googlepics these screenshots. :( )

Harry and his friends were at this place which happened to be the hideout of his fugitive god-father, Sirius Black. I had met Sirius before during my last investigation, but now he told me that the Ministry of Magic was trying to put a cover-up on the whole Death Eater crisis and wanted me to watch over Harry. I agreed to do so for the New Year.

Usual LEGO shenanigans. ^_^
Time in Harry's world flows quickly, and one week in my world barely passed while three years passed in Harry's world. I dealt with a tight-lipped *itch in Dolores Umbridge, investigated Severus Snape's reason for killing Dumbledore(which turned out to be a mercy killing), had to help Ron recover from a stupid love potion he drank by mistake(oh Roooon) and helped Harry locate Voldemort's horcruxes and destroy them...

This is NOT how the book described Voldie's death. Shame on you for poetic license, WB!!! X(
Thus ending the life of that fiendish warlock for all eternity. Good riddance!

I had taken an undercover job in Hogwarts as an assistant professor during those 'years' and helped form a resistance in the school when Severus assigned Death Eaters to the faculty. At the end, I had to shout a phrase that old Dumbledore told me he had said a long time ago...

PLATINUM DATE: December 30, 7:15 AM (stayed up all night last night to get through all the trophies! *yawn*)
"Ten points to Gryffindor!" Cheers erupted from the graduates of Hogwarts as they prepared for their new lives as adults in the Wizard World. I wished everyone well and went back to watch the ball drop on TV. Happy New Years, everyone - may 2016 be delightful! ^_^

AFTER THOUGHTS: As I said before, I got this in the mail early but didn't start trophy hunting on it until a couple of days later and was distracted by stuff like my return to Maplestory due to the new Reboot server and the new class, Kinesis(who is, ironically, a Magician class). Still, it is not too slow to plat - you only have to do one Quidditch race to get some hard collectibles and the rest of the time is just doing the usual Story Mode / Free Play run (Unlike Years 1-4, I did not go out of my way for collectibles until I cleared all of Story Mode. Death Eaters attack you during Years 7 and 8 in the streets of Diagon Alley, making getting the collectibles very difficult at best.)

Once I get my Vita formatted to accept my new account(after I do the Platinum Rain Day event), I plan on having the first three Vita Platinums be the Vita remakes of this game and the two LEGO Batman games. Cheers!

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