Saturday, December 26, 2015

Journal Entry #8: Jingle Bells, Batman Smells... (Seriously, he doesn't shower?!)

Well, those idiots in the Justice League need my help again... and here I was hoping to enjoy Christmas with my family. No dice! But, as I said before, a detective's work is never done.

I spent all of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day helping the Justice League fight this insane alien android called Brainiac, who had managed to kidnap the various Lantern Corps and was using them to shrink the world. Not on my watch!

PLATINUM TIME: December 26, 2015; 6:30 PM
After some tough battles, I spend the rest of the holidays cleaning up the streets and getting some clues. Eventually I was presented with a trophy for being The World's Finest. Helped the DC Heroes fight evil during BOTH the winter holidays. When I got home, I found that my cheapskate folks gave me socks and some more mystery books. I love you, I do, but would it kill you to get me a better smartphone? :(

Well, Merry Holidays to you all, and may you have a great New Year. And do remember to respect your local superheroes, even if they DO drag you across space and time to stop an evil alien android.

AFTER THOUGHTS: Man, this has been a ride - I got a disc in the mail on Christmas Eve, but after spending all day on Christmas Day at my relatives' house for a party after Christmas Mass, I just decided to try to get some trophies and get the Plat for LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham instead of that game I received. As I said, this is the very first LEGO Game I played and it hooked me into continuing the grind in other LEGOs.

This is a fun game. The story is gripping and has its sense of humor, and while there are a ton of races that can screw you over, everything else is easy to collect - the hubs are small enough to discourage racing (although you have one race in the Hall of Justice) and the Red Bricks are all in the story levels. I got all the Stud Multipliers just by Free Playing the first five levels! The Green Loontern is a hoot and I loved the throwback to the old Batman TV show - I used to watch it on TV as a kid! Great job on this one, T.T. ^_^

I did all the DLC - which is shared among my accounts obviously - and got all the remaining DLC trophies on Christmas Day. I didn't have to do the DLC for the platinum, but a few DLC trophies always help boost the gamer score. I do plan on doing a few non-platinums 100%, but not for a while.

Merry Christmas to you all and have a Happy New Year!

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