Saturday, December 19, 2015

Journal Entry #6: I need to lay off of the eggnog...

Nothing like flying around on an 8-bit broomstick...
Dang that Gandalf! I knew that the teleportation spell would have weird consequences but THIS was just too ludicrous - I ended up trapped in this psycho place called the Phantom Field...

"Yes, thank you SO much for saving my life! I'll never trust old men with beards again!" X(
Luckily, this kind young sorceress got me out of that stinking place, but not before I ended up experiencing all of her stored memories. It kind of sucked, but I guess it was cool as well...

DATE OF POP: December 19, 2015; 4:19 PM
How I became a god by experiencing memories is beyond my dingo's flipping kidneys, but oh well, that was another plat for me! Now I am back home and chewing on stale gingerbread and waiting for the inevitable family reunion invites... Maybe I'd be better off back in Middle-Earth..

AFTER THOUGHTS: Ah, X-Blaze Lost Memories... so good that I rented you instead of buying you - even at $16.19, you weren't worth the 15 hours I spent watching cutscenes. You have the dubious honor of being my FIRST non-LEGO Plat. (Of course, there won't be many more LEGO games in the future, although the LEGO Avengers game is due out. Hopefully it'll be easier to plat than LEGO Marvel Superheroes. Stupid air races! X( )

My first and probably only Visual Novel(though that may change depending on whether other Japanese Visual Novels are released overseas and I'm shameless), this game was ridiculous. My induction into the BlazBlue universe was blah and, while I did try to avoid skipping dialogue, I did accidentally skip a few lines. There is a facade of a dungeon crawler - you go through several floors of the Phantom Field as an 8-bit character - but other than Floor 4(which has freakish black fireballs with faces) and Floor 6(which has a broomstick mechanic) the Phantom Field mechanic was tacked off for the more interesting visual novel.

While not the fastest platinum in the Universe(the honor for that goes to this game), it was and probably will remain forevermore my fastest plat ever - I got the game from GameFly on the 18th (nine days after it was shipped, which tells me a lot about GameFly), started playing on the eve of that day, got the platinum an hour ago as of this post and sent it back via the mail on Sunday, when I gave it to my folks and asked them to dump it off in a US Postbox. So that was that, and I putting the prequel to this drivel(XBlaze Code: Embryo) in my ghost bucket list - aka I probably won't ever plat it in my life but if I am out of options, I'll do it. Ciao for now!

I have also upgraded to the two-game plan because, sadly, the copy I had of LEGO Harry Potter Years 5-7(which I had hoped would take this spot) was very defective and failed to load properly, so I had to return it to GameStop and they didn't have another copy. :( So GameFly is sending that game to me too - it'll arrive two days after Christmas depending on whether the Postal Service will stop flow on Christmas Eve and the envelope will rot in a cold post office for two days. 

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