Friday, March 25, 2016

Journal Entry #29: More Rings? Oh bother.

GAME #29: Guess the Game! :p

Having flashbacks about that strange sorceress and the Phantom Field made me go back and read the entire series of J.R.R. Tolkein, aka the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Eowyn - still awesome even on the small screen. ^_^
It was a heavy read, mind you, but it was quite the masterpiece, telling of Frodo Baggins and his struggle to take the cursed One Ring to the place of its creation and destroy it.

Still, I have no doubt that the world I was in was not the same one in the books. Still, it was quite an adventure... even though I got stuck in some weird place afterwards. I recreated the book I had been given by Frodo and put it on my cabinet as another platinum trophy.

AFTER THOUGHTS: And another late comer to the party - I put this in my Q for months and got no delivery, but it finally came in. Yep, the PS Vita version of LEGO Lord of the Rings. I spent all of of Good Friday 2016 to get every trophy no matter how much I hated it. (And the platinum trophy image is a mess - the Vita photo camera tends to mess up at this, but I don't want to waste time getting a replacement for it.)

Luckily, Vita versions of LEGO games are easy as pie, as they are ports of the 3DS version, which are complete garbage because the hardware is very limited. The only painful part was grinding out the 30 million studs to buy everything... 75% of the Red Bricks cost 5 million studs or more, even the cruddy ones you'd never enable like Helium Voices! :(

Anyways, another Vita platinum in the bag. I am going to cut down a bit on getting double platinums and I'm not into LEGO games as much anymore. (Though I hope LEGO Avengers will live up to the hype since I've seen Age of Ultron on the big screen. The original LEGO Marvel game was a bit disappointment in my eyes. I just hope they fix the flight mechanics.)

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