Monday, November 30, 2015

Journal Entry #3: A Gotham Thanksgiving

This is NOT how I wanted to spend Thanksgiving. Sadly, a detective's work is never done. :(

No matter how moody you are... it's always a riot to throw someone off the side of a tall building. ;)
I mean, I should be honored to join forces with one of the greatest famous crime-fighters in the world, the legendary Batman... but after hearing about his relationship with a girl called Wyldstyle, who led me down a cursed path, I'm not very happy to see him. At least he is more mellow when he's in his home in Gotham, which I explored very thoroughly.

Sadly, I was stuck watching the Macy's Parade on my DVR on my Taptalk phone while rescuing citizens in peril and helping Batman and his gang of superheroes locate the Gold Bricks. We pressed a few superfoes into community service, including the two master criminals - Lex Luthor and the Joker. I hate the Joker, he is just bat**** crazy and looks like a clown. No wonder couerlphobia exists, he invented it! :(

After some misunderstandings with Batman, I went back to Solana to help Ratchet and Clank reconcile some differences, but after he decided to camp out at the race-track in Rilgar and steal bolts from the crates there for eight hours, I got bored and left. I had better things to do. (Got a couple more trophies on this game, needed to do that. Also, this is why I didn't platinum DC Superheroes sooner - I had a lot of issues with glitches and accidentally saved and exited, losing all collectible progress in a stage. I needed to cool my jets after that mess and it takes eight hours to use the glitch in Rilgar to get a million bolts, which I needed for a trophy. Also, forgive the quality of the shot. Never again will I take a shot in mid-day sunlight. :()

But eventually I returned to Gotham and finished my investigation. I am now a Complete Hero, but I have a dread feeling that this is not the end of my adventures with the Justice League...

PLATINUM DATE: November 30, 2015; 6:36 PM

AFTER THOUGHT:After getting into LEGO games with LEGO Batman 3, I decided to try the prequel - it's a bit daunting having to scour the entire Gotham City for all the collectibles and the air races are brutal, but all in all, the game is awesome. Once you get past the story mode, the game is so amazing. Also, you can get the first two stud multipliers during story mode if you have enough studs and know where to look, making getting the Super Hero challenges for stud totals easy. After that, it was get the remaining Red Bricks, blitz through Free Play to get the collectibles, and then scour the city to get 100% of everything, races and all.

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