Monday, November 16, 2015

Journal Entry #1: The Adventures Begin... with dinosaurs

DATE EARNED: November 15, 2015; 11:24 PM
So my adventures began in the Solana Galaxy on November, helping a Lombax called Ratchet investigate the cruel and corrupt Blargian known as Executive Chairman Drek... but when he decided to spend his time in Blackwater City to work on some frustration at his robotic companion nearly getting the two of them dead at the hands of a Blargian Snagglebeast, I got distracted by rumors...

BIG rumors. Rumors about some genetic manipulation of ancient extinct animals. I, like most kids, had had a fascination with dinosaurs, even more so since I was very intelligent and was intrigued by scientifics... but the thought of a white Tyrannosaurus Rex hybrid was too interesting to pass up. (That and I had seen the latest Jurassic movie with some old chums.)

The weekend of November 14-16 was one of the most exciting and dangerous parts of my life, but it was all worth it when I made a giant brachiosaurus skeleton rise up and smash the ground in tremors that destroyed stone...

DATE EARNED: November 16, 2015; 5:32 PM
The title of my very first Platinum Trophy rang so true to me, life DOES find a way. I would become a great Trophy Hunter at all costs, and nothing - not my mother's upcoming neck surgery, not the fact that my father pulled me from my exercise regimen because said neck surgery would make it nigh impossible to hit the gym, not even my trickling finances funded by my grocery savings - would stop me from my goal!

(First Platinum: LEGO Jurassic World. I rented this game from Gamefly, but it came to my parent's house. I am not too proud to use game rentals to get Platinum Trophies - I have decided that it would be far far cheaper to pay $16 a month for the rights to own a game for a couple of weeks just to get the Platinum since I found that paying a zillion dollars for games I'm not going to play anymore after I get 100% in them is too costly, since I cannot even afford a used game at $10 a week. I can platinum the game, mail it back in, and get a new one to work on. It's also a great way to get games I had once purchased and platinumed for my last account so I don't have to spend $17 for them.)

(Last trophy I got for this Platinum was the gold one where I got 100% - I might have gotten it from getting the last minikit but I missed a Gold Brick in Gallimus Territory. If I do the platinum again on my old account, I will know what to do to find the bricks.)

AFTER THOUGHT: This game was the first LEGO platinum on this account. I really enjoyed the game and probably worth the $39.99 pre-owned; it is probably the largest LEGO overworld in the entire franchise, as it encompasses ALL of the Jurassic Park movies, including the one I saw, Jurassic World. I strongly recommend you check the movies out after playing this game, as the game tends to have cartoon violence and nobody dies in the game, unlike the movies.

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