DATE EARNED: November 15, 2015; 11:24 PM |
BIG rumors. Rumors about some genetic manipulation of ancient extinct animals. I, like most kids, had had a fascination with dinosaurs, even more so since I was very intelligent and was intrigued by scientifics... but the thought of a white Tyrannosaurus Rex hybrid was too interesting to pass up. (That and I had seen the latest Jurassic movie with some old chums.)
The weekend of November 14-16 was one of the most exciting and dangerous parts of my life, but it was all worth it when I made a giant brachiosaurus skeleton rise up and smash the ground in tremors that destroyed stone...
DATE EARNED: November 16, 2015; 5:32 PM |
(First Platinum: LEGO Jurassic World. I rented this game from Gamefly, but it came to my parent's house. I am not too proud to use game rentals to get Platinum Trophies - I have decided that it would be far far cheaper to pay $16 a month for the rights to own a game for a couple of weeks just to get the Platinum since I found that paying a zillion dollars for games I'm not going to play anymore after I get 100% in them is too costly, since I cannot even afford a used game at $10 a week. I can platinum the game, mail it back in, and get a new one to work on. It's also a great way to get games I had once purchased and platinumed for my last account so I don't have to spend $17 for them.)
(Last trophy I got for this Platinum was the gold one where I got 100% - I might have gotten it from getting the last minikit but I missed a Gold Brick in Gallimus Territory. If I do the platinum again on my old account, I will know what to do to find the bricks.)
AFTER THOUGHT: This game was the first LEGO platinum on this account. I really enjoyed the game and probably worth the $39.99 pre-owned; it is probably the largest LEGO overworld in the entire franchise, as it encompasses ALL of the Jurassic Park movies, including the one I saw, Jurassic World. I strongly recommend you check the movies out after playing this game, as the game tends to have cartoon violence and nobody dies in the game, unlike the movies.
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