Monday, November 30, 2015

Journal Entry #3: A Gotham Thanksgiving

This is NOT how I wanted to spend Thanksgiving. Sadly, a detective's work is never done. :(

No matter how moody you are... it's always a riot to throw someone off the side of a tall building. ;)
I mean, I should be honored to join forces with one of the greatest famous crime-fighters in the world, the legendary Batman... but after hearing about his relationship with a girl called Wyldstyle, who led me down a cursed path, I'm not very happy to see him. At least he is more mellow when he's in his home in Gotham, which I explored very thoroughly.

Sadly, I was stuck watching the Macy's Parade on my DVR on my Taptalk phone while rescuing citizens in peril and helping Batman and his gang of superheroes locate the Gold Bricks. We pressed a few superfoes into community service, including the two master criminals - Lex Luthor and the Joker. I hate the Joker, he is just bat**** crazy and looks like a clown. No wonder couerlphobia exists, he invented it! :(

After some misunderstandings with Batman, I went back to Solana to help Ratchet and Clank reconcile some differences, but after he decided to camp out at the race-track in Rilgar and steal bolts from the crates there for eight hours, I got bored and left. I had better things to do. (Got a couple more trophies on this game, needed to do that. Also, this is why I didn't platinum DC Superheroes sooner - I had a lot of issues with glitches and accidentally saved and exited, losing all collectible progress in a stage. I needed to cool my jets after that mess and it takes eight hours to use the glitch in Rilgar to get a million bolts, which I needed for a trophy. Also, forgive the quality of the shot. Never again will I take a shot in mid-day sunlight. :()

But eventually I returned to Gotham and finished my investigation. I am now a Complete Hero, but I have a dread feeling that this is not the end of my adventures with the Justice League...

PLATINUM DATE: November 30, 2015; 6:36 PM

AFTER THOUGHT:After getting into LEGO games with LEGO Batman 3, I decided to try the prequel - it's a bit daunting having to scour the entire Gotham City for all the collectibles and the air races are brutal, but all in all, the game is awesome. Once you get past the story mode, the game is so amazing. Also, you can get the first two stud multipliers during story mode if you have enough studs and know where to look, making getting the Super Hero challenges for stud totals easy. After that, it was get the remaining Red Bricks, blitz through Free Play to get the collectibles, and then scour the city to get 100% of everything, races and all.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Journal Entry #2 - Of Wizards and Dragons (Part 1 of 3)

My second entry in my journal was a bunch of scattered notes and guilty regret for not putting this down as soon as I got to the office.

For the record, that studs total covered by the trophy is over 6 BILLION studs.
I was busy investigating this school called Hogwarts for information about the return of an evil warlock by an unknown name. Nobody wanted to comment about his identity, but word was he was wanted for crimes of murder, violent destruction, chaos and terrorism. I eventually found out that his next victim was a young lad called Harry Potter, and found out the name of the culprit - Lord Voldemort. Clearly, this now-inhuman fiend was as arrogant as President Business in Bricksburg. (A place I will never go back to - I don't drink coffee(too bitter for me) but from the prices on the soda alone I realized that this place was completely idiotic.)

I found out about this miscreant with strong investigative skills and, after collecting 200 gold brick clues, found out what the deal was. Unfortunately, Albus Dumbledore, current headmaster of Hogwarts, warned me not to get too involved in this case and warned me that I would probably end up dead unless I left. So I had to put the case on the back burner for now...

PLATINUM TIME: November 23, 2015; 8:50 PM

I guess it was my stake-out of the old Riddle estate and the photos of the first clash between the Dark Lord and the Boy Who Lived which got me caught by Dumbledore's sources. I cursed my lack of tact and swore to be more inconspicuous next time. Also, bring a better camera. :(

(Sadly, I haven't learned my lesson about not having a video camera to record AVIs - this was taken from a video I made on my phone showing me popping the plat with Role Reversal as the final trophy... but sadly Yahoo Mail didn't receive the attachment. At least I was lucky my Vita could snap the shot, even if the video cut off the trophy alert on the right side. :( )

That was last night and I totally regret my lack of timing for not getting the report out last night. Right now I have business with Simalia, but once I get another call for a juicy case, I'll be on it like white on rice. With Thanksgiving on the horizon, I do not want to be bogged down too much with heavy cases while stuffed with turkey and gravy, so I'll leave my next report for the end of the week.

Until Then... Peace Out - The Detective Prince

AFTERTHOUGHT: I also had my first doomed platinum due to a nasty bug in Hogwarts - I failed to get all the collectibles in one area, and accidentally autosaved as I was leaving, causing the game to glitch out and make it impossible to return to that area. (For those who are interested, it was the underground basement of the left Charms classroom, where you learn your first spell.) Because of this I had to delete my save and start from scratch. I had earned most of the trophies there save a few and I wasn't able to get 100% because the last Student In Peril I needed was in that area! Luckily, I was careful the second time and cleared out that area before leaving in my next game... but having to go through the first three years of Story Mode again was painful, and only making everyone a shadow figure with the Silhouettes red brick saved me from looking at their faces again.

Still, great game, easy platinum, and I actually got the collector's edition which has a free copy of the first movie in it! ^_^ (EDIT: I returned it to Gamestop later because I was low on funds. GameFly takes forever to receive and deliver my rentals! :( )

Also, this is part one of three - I do plan on platinum Years 5-7 for both versions, but I am saving them for after my fifth platinum. I decided to not do all of them at once as I want to space it out. Also, I am not putting in any Vita games until I get my 5th plat because Vita plats would mean having to log out and back in on the new account, which would take a while.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Journal Entry #1: The Adventures Begin... with dinosaurs

DATE EARNED: November 15, 2015; 11:24 PM
So my adventures began in the Solana Galaxy on November, helping a Lombax called Ratchet investigate the cruel and corrupt Blargian known as Executive Chairman Drek... but when he decided to spend his time in Blackwater City to work on some frustration at his robotic companion nearly getting the two of them dead at the hands of a Blargian Snagglebeast, I got distracted by rumors...

BIG rumors. Rumors about some genetic manipulation of ancient extinct animals. I, like most kids, had had a fascination with dinosaurs, even more so since I was very intelligent and was intrigued by scientifics... but the thought of a white Tyrannosaurus Rex hybrid was too interesting to pass up. (That and I had seen the latest Jurassic movie with some old chums.)

The weekend of November 14-16 was one of the most exciting and dangerous parts of my life, but it was all worth it when I made a giant brachiosaurus skeleton rise up and smash the ground in tremors that destroyed stone...

DATE EARNED: November 16, 2015; 5:32 PM
The title of my very first Platinum Trophy rang so true to me, life DOES find a way. I would become a great Trophy Hunter at all costs, and nothing - not my mother's upcoming neck surgery, not the fact that my father pulled me from my exercise regimen because said neck surgery would make it nigh impossible to hit the gym, not even my trickling finances funded by my grocery savings - would stop me from my goal!

(First Platinum: LEGO Jurassic World. I rented this game from Gamefly, but it came to my parent's house. I am not too proud to use game rentals to get Platinum Trophies - I have decided that it would be far far cheaper to pay $16 a month for the rights to own a game for a couple of weeks just to get the Platinum since I found that paying a zillion dollars for games I'm not going to play anymore after I get 100% in them is too costly, since I cannot even afford a used game at $10 a week. I can platinum the game, mail it back in, and get a new one to work on. It's also a great way to get games I had once purchased and platinumed for my last account so I don't have to spend $17 for them.)

(Last trophy I got for this Platinum was the gold one where I got 100% - I might have gotten it from getting the last minikit but I missed a Gold Brick in Gallimus Territory. If I do the platinum again on my old account, I will know what to do to find the bricks.)

AFTER THOUGHT: This game was the first LEGO platinum on this account. I really enjoyed the game and probably worth the $39.99 pre-owned; it is probably the largest LEGO overworld in the entire franchise, as it encompasses ALL of the Jurassic Park movies, including the one I saw, Jurassic World. I strongly recommend you check the movies out after playing this game, as the game tends to have cartoon violence and nobody dies in the game, unlike the movies.

The First Post

(NOTE to those who do not play Playstation games and don't know what a Platinum is - if you came here looking for answers, may I direct you to They have trophy databases of everyone who hunts for trophies and is a member, and their forums are full of insight.)

Hello and welcome. I am the Detective Prince, DetectiveCJ. I first got into trophy hunting for Playstation Games under a couple of different names - first a Prinny Master, then a master thief. But I found that the other side of the tracks from crime fascinating once I met a strange character called Naoto Shirogane.

She fascinated me, telling me tales of her accomplishments. After that, I decided to repent of cheating and become a straight-and-true trophy hunter and clean my slate. So herein, this is my Creed. (Not an Assassin's Creed, mind you. I'm not like that.)
  1. All of the games I put on my account WILL get its Platinum sooner or later. I will NEVER allow a game to grace this list if it proves to be too difficult for me to get all the trophies on it or I hate the franchise. That includes the following:
  2. NO CO-OP trophies are allowed on this account. I do not have any true friends and unless I get my former gym trainer to come over on his free time, which I would never ask of him, those trophies will go unearned. Yes, I know there are boosting threads.
  3. NO online trophies are allowed on this account. Yes, I know there are boosting threads but my Internet is being paid for by other people whose days are numbered, and once they are gone, it's over for the me and this blog, so unless I get Patreon(which means I have to spend money to start streaming videos) or get a job(which reduces the time I have to hunt trophies - I am currently unemployed) I cannot do online 24-7. Do not get me wrong, once I have a bunch of on-line friends, I will consider online, but most online games are shooters and stuff I do not like to play, and if I don't like a game, I will not platinum it. (See 1.) Yes, Virginia, there IS a person who would spend his entire life never touching Halo, Call of Duty, Mass Effect or anything like that!
  4. Finally, no 100% if at all possible - I only do platinums on this account if possible. The only exception is if the game contributes to a platinum(like Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days required to get the Platinum on re:Chain of Memories for a trophy). I know that 100% have gold trophies, but I am not a trophy W-HOARD-E, I know I will never get past 200 platinums before I die of old age, I want to platinum all the games I enjoy. I applaud Hakoom and his ilk for swallowing pride and playing through every game that was created for the Playstation in existence just to get trophies. I am not like that.
I hope this blog shows you a reflection into my soul and what I like to experience. Enjoy!