Sunday, April 17, 2016

Smooth Criminal Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (lolz)

WARNING: PG-13 material!
 No, you can't prove anything! I swear I did not...

Okay, I plead the fifth. :(

Just die. X(

Platinum #31: Criminal Girls - Invite Only

As you can guess, I just go Platinum #31 - Criminal Girls: Invite Only. The reason it took so long was because it was a terrible grind-fest and the last areas were not great for grinding... and then the final final boss nearly wiped me out and the secret final boss trolled me and I had to go back and try to fight it again. What a jerkwad.

But yeah, I wouldn't recommend this game for children or any person who is offended by sexuality. This game is straight from Japan(in fact, they didn't do English voices, the voice acting is the original Japanese actresses) so expect that sort of weird stuff.

Now that that's over with, I'm going to return this game to GameStop and try to wash my hands of this affair and...

Pray that I don't get a wet dream about Shin. Oh Shin... ^_^

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